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While we encourage you to interact as much as possible and truly make this forum you own space, we have 6 simple rules to ensure that this space stays safe:
1. Stick to topic - This Forum is for discussions related to sustainability and the environment, please refrain, as much as possible, from having conversations that are not related to these topics.
2. Remain Respectful - All posts should be courteous. You have the right to disagree with other community members, but, you are not free to degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle them.
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Now that you've read the rules, feel free to introduce yourself below!
- Jamala A (Founder & CEO of Yugen)
Hey Kirina! It's definitely hard for me as well, trust me. But, I really think it's a process and that with consistency, we'll eventually get there <3 Also, i'm sooo glad to hear that!! I really think we need our local businesses to step up to the challenge, so i'm pushing for it! :)
Hi my name is Kirina Dowrich :) . I am an advocate for environmental conservation even though not every system I see abroad is established in T&T and sometimes it's hard trying to inculcate new practices into my lifestyle to protect our environment. I actually learnt of sustainable businesses because of Yugen and that helped so much. Thank you.
Hoping to see more and participate in the forum and all the best Yugen!
Hi I'm Samiyyah. I'm new to environmental awareness and it's benefits. Recently, probably within the past year or so, I've started a small at home project growing some basic food crops for food sustainability. I look forward to learning from each of you😊.
Hey guys, I'm Mustapha and last year I took a vested interest in plastic pollution and its effects on the entire planet. I'm also happily vegan now (yes I get protein) and I am delighted to meet and interact with like-minded people as we find solutions and spread awareness of the importance of protecting the environment :)
Hello to all. My name is Patricia Jones aka "Farmer Nurse".
I am grateful for this forum. I look forward to learn from the content. I am a registered nurse my professional and a first year farmer by calling. I believe that a healthy well balance microbial life within the soil will produce nutrient dense healthy crops and flowering plants.
What is the difference between dirt and soil🤔
In my opinion SOIL plays an intricate role of the digestive system of the plant. The soil is equipped with all the nutrients and minerals that is needed however it is not bioavailable for the plant uptake... Microbes, like the microbes that lives in our gut, within the soil food web through the process of nutrient cycling allows the unavailable nutrients to become available. However just like antibiotics when given to humans wipes out the good bacteria in our gut especially when on a long course, the "icides" that we use to wipe out pest and disease also kills beneficial microbes..
This is my passion I can almost say religion.. Human come from the Latin humus means dust... Life comes from soil..
Hi I’m Justin! I am passionate about the environment and I’m all for finding and sharing solutions to our World problems via the tool of sustainability and conservation. I believe that we as humans need to be wiser with respect to the environment and we can and should coexist with nature. I look forward to talking to like-minded persons and I know that we, like many others have, will make a difference.
Hi Yugen Community! I’m Dana & I’m all for sustainable living and making conscious choices that wouldn’t negatively affect our environment. Looking forward to learning from you all! 🌱❤️
Hello! My name is Deston Pope. I would like to say that I am no champion of the environment but I understand the importance it plays in our very existence and the need for sustainability in order to preserve it . So I look forward to have open minded, informative and innovate discussions and idea with everyone within the community