Hey #YugenCommunity!
You voted and we delivered, welcome to the #YugenForum!
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While we encourage you to interact as much as possible and truly make this forum you own space, we have 6 simple rules to ensure that this space stays safe:
1. Stick to topic - This Forum is for discussions related to sustainability and the environment, please refrain, as much as possible, from having conversations that are not related to these topics.
2. Remain Respectful - All posts should be courteous. You have the right to disagree with other community members, but, you are not free to degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle them.
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6. If you see a post which has broken any of these rules, please report it directly by emailing official.yugen.tt@gmail.com - thank you!
Now that you've read the rules, feel free to introduce yourself below!
- Jamala A (Founder & CEO of Yugen)
Hey Kirina! It's definitely hard for me as well, trust me. But, I really think it's a process and that with consistency, we'll eventually get there <3 Also, i'm sooo glad to hear that!! I really think we need our local businesses to step up to the challenge, so i'm pushing for it! :)