Hey #YugenCommunity and welcome back to the #YugenForum!
As some of you may have realized, the Forum was on a hiatus for a few months but that’s because we were in the process of making some exciting new changes and expanding our team! One such change is the introduction of Community Managers who are responsible for the running of this forum and interacting with you, our members 😊
While this forum will be open 24/7 for your engagement, new discussions will be opened on Tuesdays, by myself and on Fridays by our other Community Manager, Caron David. But, as members of this forum, you are also free to open discussion topics on other days as well!
As you interact with us and with each other in the forum, we would just like to remind you all of 6 basic rules we have on this forum to ensure that its a safe and comfortable space for everyone to share their views:
1. Stick to topic - This Forum is for discussions related to sustainability and the environment, please refrain, as much as possible, from having conversations that are not related to these topics.
2. Remain Respectful - All posts should be courteous. You have the right to disagree with other community members, but, you are not free to degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle them.
3. No Spam Allowed - The unsolicited advertisement of goods, services and/or other web sites is prohibited.
4. No “offensive” posts, links or images - Material which constitutes defamation, harassment or discrimination is prohibited along with any material that is sexually or otherwise obscene.
5. No posting of copyright-infringing material.
6. If you see a post which has broken any of these rules, please report it directly by emailing official.yugen.tt@gmail.com - thank you!
Now that we’ve gotten those home rules aside, we want to get to know you! We’d like you to introduce yourselves below and tell us one thing that living in this time of Covid-19 has taught you 😊
Looking forward to getting to know you all 🤗
-Daniella K.
Hi guys, Mustapha here, Blog manager and eco blogger. Covid-19 has taught me that when a crisis emerges, we more than possess the ability as a people to rise up and respond swiftly and appropriately. This has shown that we do indeed have the capacity to tackle issues like Climate Change with a lot more enthusiasm than we are showing at the moment